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  • Writer's pictureAnthony DiCecco

Disney vs Hip Replacements

Hello you correlationers!

Can you imagine that this is the tenth volume of Correlation of the Week? What a crazy ride it has been so far. So crazy that we wanted to cement our status in the interwebs as the leading source of correlations with our own website! So please subscribe to stay up to date with the latest correlations we can find!

We wanted to follow up briefly from the last volume since the Super Bowl had the lowest winning score in its history. So if our correlation is going to hold, we are predicting that this year’s champions league will end with a score of 1-0 but hopefully it’s more entertaining that that Super Bowl was.

On to the new Correlation!

This correlation hits close to home as one of our founding correlationers, Amanda, recently had a hip replacement and if there is one thing that we know about her is that she absolutely loves Disney. It turns out that from 2000 to 2014, the attendance of Disney’s Magic Kingdom and the number of Hip Replacements is 84% correlated! Who knew that if she maybe didn’t visit Disney as often as she does that maybe she wouldn’t have contributed to the number of hip replacements! We couldn’t find hip replacement statistics past 2014 but judging by the attendance flattening out hopefully that means people aren’t destroying their hips as much.

For the explorer, please visit: If you have a suggestion or feedback, we’d love to hear it! As always, if you know anyone else that would like to be a new correlationer, please let us know!

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